Life is hard
And unapologetically short
Impact isn’t measured by years
But by lives touched-
Hearts that remember our footprints long after the waves have cleansed the shore.
And in his short 17 years
Damani touched more lives
than some do in 70.
You don’t have to wait until you’re older to make a difference-
To reach your goals-
To do good deeds-
To Leave A Legacy-
Do it for Damani
Don’t waste another day
I would give anything just to have
1 more day
1 more minute
1 more chance for him to LIVE
He had big dreams
Big plans for the future
He’ll never get to see his dreams come true
Never get to see tomorrow
Never get to play college ball
Or go to school
Spend time with his family
Start his business
Or drop his album
That he was going to finish “tomorrow”
Not to anyone
Time is limited
We don’t know when it’ll be your last chance to do “IT”
So while you’re still breathing
do it for yourself
Do it for Damani